Monday, August 17, 2015


For those of you who have read my devotionals, you will know that I seek to do GOD’s work in the form of short stories to enhance the comprehension of all our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Today, GOD has placed something else upon my heart to share with you. This is an actual experience of my own that I want to share with you today; an epiphany or a divine revelation if you will. Bear with me.

As my family and I arrived to church yesterday morning, there was an immediate feeling of relaxation that came over me. There is something special about stepping into the house of GOD. As you enter and inhale the familiar aromas of the sanctuary, there’s a feeling of safety and calm which I’m sure many of you can relate to.

Something happened to me yesterday that doesn’t happen on every visit to the house of GOD. As I returned to my seat after giving my offering, I took notice of a gentleman in a wheelchair. This gentleman is at church every Sunday, in the same wheelchair, and in the same spot along the aisle. This particular Sunday, GOD opened my eyes and truly allowed me to see this man.

As I sat down, the image of this man circled my mind like a whirlwind. This man, who was obviously a paraplegic (i.e. paralyzed waist down), had the biggest and brightest smile on his face. Regardless of his physical restriction, he found a way to give GOD his due praise with what little mobility he had left in his body. I couldn’t help but watch him for a little longer as the service went on. He rocked his head vigorously back and forth and moved his hands in unison with the music, even though his arms were bound to his chair. My soul was moved.

Though my soul was moved, it was also grieved. I felt ashamed before GOD. This man would probably do anything to stand and walk about the church as I had, yet his joy was above anything physical, miniscule, and of this world. He could have been at home sulking or cursing GOD for his condition, but he was at church praising GOD with what little mobility he had left in his body. His smile was sincere and infectious and it humbled me before GOD.

I couldn’t help but think of the many times that I’ve gone to GOD in tears about my perceptions of hard times. I thought about the many times I had complained in the midst of troubles, questioning GOD’s presence during my trials and tribulations. Again I felt small and unappreciative.
Brothers and sisters, today is about the acknowledgement of GOD’s presence. You see, before we were thought about, He’s been present. Long after you and I are no more, He will remain. Most importantly, GOD is present and readily available as you read this.

We have all questioned GOD’s presence at some point in our lives. Why did GOD allow this to happen? Where was He when that happen? Food for thought brothers and sisters… He was in the same place that he was in when we failed to acknowledge his presence. He was in the midst of our children going to and fro from school safely; He was in the midst of us opening our eyes to see a beautiful sunrise; He was in the midst of our morning jogs when others are no longer afforded an opportunity to do so; He was in the midst of our safe commutes to work; He was in the midst of the confirmation of our mortgage and car notes being received. I can go on for days. Praise GOD, because these are things we often forget about when we have the audacity to question his presence during rough times.

The point today brothers and sisters is simply this… When we find ourselves questioning GOD’s presence in our affairs, acknowledge the many times you felt no such need to do so simply because it was evident that He was present! After doing so, you will find that he is present all of the time, yet we often fail to praise Him in the things that we have grown accustomed to. We have reasonable expectations of GOD because of his impeccable track record in our lives, and rightfully so. By the same token, we are spoiled and unappreciative by GOD’s continuous presence.

Today and forevermore, think to acknowledge and exalt Him instead of complain and question His presence in our lives. After all, the fact that you are able to read this devotional, lends proof that GOD was there to see to it that you arose this morning. He is worthy to be praised!

I would like to honor this devotional with the following verses from our Holy Bible:
O Lord, You are my God. I will praise You. I will give thanks to Your name. For You have been faithful to do great things, plans that You made long ago.
For You have been a strong-place for those who could not help themselves and for those in need because of much trouble. You have been a safe place from the storm and a shadow from the heat. For the breath of the one who shows no pity is like a storm against a wall. (Isaiah 25: 1, 4)

My prayer for you today:
Heavenly Father, we come before you today with humble hearts and sound minds, asking that you forgive us for our lack of acknowledgement for all that you are in our lives. We thank you for being present during the times that we sometimes conveniently forget. You are our Father, our beginning and our end, and we honor you with the praise you so richly deserve. Even during our times of unwarranted complaints, we ask that you have mercy on us O Lord. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen…

May GOD Bless You All!

By. C.D. McCloud

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